Monday, September 04, 2006
first time on blog
Its been about a year ago since I first arrived on Sept. 9 to Hancock Co, Ms. and been able to see a mountian being moved! The mountian of broken spirts that I met when first arriving, lives turned upside down and dreams washed away by the flood waters of katrina. Families searching for any means to get their lives back to normal. Watching families liveing in tents untill their F.E.M.A. camper, working with Water Missions International providing pumps for hundreds of families, and how importian a shed was for the family. I would not belive that someone would cry about receiving a shed, What I saw was the tears were because someone cared for them. Its been a year and still so much to do! I sit back home in Georgetown SC and write this in the comfort of our home! My heart is back in MS. for many of the families who struggle getting back into their home! Last Thursday before leaving, looking at the list of families we are still helping with finding the resorces to get them back into a home, seems overweling, I belive that by faith we have gotten this far, and it is that Faith, that will see us thur! Our Lord tells me to love my neighbor, because of Gods Love I will return and keep helping our neighbors in MS. Its the body of Christ that is alive and working in our world today that seems so filled with trouble! Is God alive? Yes, you only need to come and see him at work in MS! What better way to fill an empty part of your life, just like myself, than to come and show a neighbor Gods' Love! For me, Life was just working, paying bills, just day by day! Today by me forsakeing my own needs, the reward is knowing that by faith, my life has a scents of meaning! Its not easy, faith never is, but the feeling in my heart is one that I have searched for so long! You know? What have I done to make a difference in my county, State,the world? Does my existants even matter? Life has passed by so fast, Today I have new Brothers and Sisters in Christ from around the world! Dear Friends in MS! My life is filled with so much Lagniappe! If you feel the emptiness in your life, step out into faith and come be a part of the restoration of the Bay St. Louis MS area. Help us, together by faith we will move this mountain!
Your friend in the Bay!
1 comment:
Conrad, it's about time you started blogging- enough of this man behind the scenes stuff. You are a sweet angel to the people in the Bay, and all over apparently. Thank you for all you do, God bless you!
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